Position Title
Assistant Professor of Teaching
- B.S., The University of Georgia, Athens, GA (Animal Science (Equine Emphasis); Dairy Science; Minor: Agribusiness
- M.S., The University of Georgia, Athens, GA (Dairy Science- Reproduction Physiology (Emphasis))
- Ph.D., Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI (Donkeys (Equus asinus) Nutrition, Training, and Management)
Research Interests
Improving equine management, behavior and welfare with a specific interest in donkeys, mules, hinnies and working equids in developing countries.
Current Research Projects
- Mule Behavior with two main focuses:
- Pain Assessment- focus on facial grimace scale
- Behavior development- early foal handling
- Hematology and blood biochemistry reference values in clinically healthy mules and hinnies
- Comparing morphometric measurements in donkeys, mules, and hinnies
- Integrated approaches to improving dairy donkey welfare and donkeys being used in production by using physiological and morphometric measurements (in collaboration with the University of Torino’s Veterinary Science Program, Torino, Italy)
- Comparing welfare indicators in working equids in developing countries
- Comparing heart rate variability and behavioral indicators when using restraint mechanisms in Mules
- Participatory approaches to working with and surveying mule and donkey owners in developing countries
Graduate Groups
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
A.K. McLean, C.R. Heleski, M.T. Yokoyama, W. Wang, A. Doumbia and B. Dembele. 2012. Improving working donkey (Equus asinus) welfare and management in Mali, West Africa. Jrnl of Vet Beh, 7, 123-34.
A.K. McLean, W. Wang, F.J. Navas-Gonzalez, and J.B. Rodrigues. 2016. Reference intervals for hematological and blood chemistry reference values in healthy mules and hinnies. Comp Clin Path, 25:3 May 2016.
Emanuela Valle , Federica Raspa, Marzia Giribaldi, Raffaella Barbero, Stefania Bergagna, Sara Antoniazzi, Amy K. Mc Lean, Michela Minero, Laura Cavallarin. 2017. A functional approach to the body condition assessment of lactating donkeys as a tool for welfare evaluation. 10.7717/peerj.3001
F.J. Navas, J. Jordana, J.M. Leon, A. Arando, G. Pizarro, A.K. McLean and J.V. Delgadlo. 2017.Measuring and modeling for the assessment of the genetic background behind cognitive processes in donkeys. Sep 2017 Research in Vet Sci.
E. Valle, L. Pozzo, M. Giribaldi, D. Bergero, M.S. Gennero, D. Dezzutto, A.McLean, G. Borreani, M. Coppa and L. Cavallarin. 2017. Effect of farming system on donkey milk composition. 13 Nov 2017 Jrnl of the Science of Food and Agriculture, doi: 10.1002/jsfa.8777.
F.J. Navas, J. Jordana, J.M. Leon, A. Arando, G. Pizarro, A.K. McLean and J.V. Delgadlo. 2018. Genetic parameter estimation and implementation of the genetic evaluation for gaits in a breeding program for assisted-therapy in donkeys. January 2018. Veterinary Research Communications.
Book Chapters
J.B. Rodrigues and A.K. McLean. 29. Tracion Animal Y Trabajo Animal Traction and Work. 2014 (in print). In: World Wide Donkey Breeds Project, Ed. Francisco Javier Navas Gonzalez. Veterinary Sciences, University of Córdoba, Rabanales University Campus, 14071 Córdoba (Spain).
A.K. McLean. 23. Entrenamiento (English translation: Training.) 2013 (in print). In: World Wide Donkey Breeds Project, Ed. Francisco Javier Navas Gonzalez. Veterinary Sciences, University of Córdoba, Rabanales University Campus, 14071 Córdoba (Spain).
A.K. McLean. 25. Deportes Y Copeticiones Que Incluyen El Uso De Asnos (English translation: Sports and Competitions involving Donkeys) 2013 (in print). In: World Wide Donkey Breeds Project. Ed. Francisco Javier Navas Gonzalez. Veterinary Sciences, University of Córdoba, Rabanales University Campus, 14071 Córdoba (Spain).
C.R. Heleski, A. K. McLean, and J. C. Swanson. 2010. Practical Methods for Improving the Welfare of Horses, Donkeys, and other Working Draught Animals in Developing Areas, Pp 252-73. In: Improving Animal Welfare a Practical Approach, ed. Temple Grandin. CAB International.
Husbandry Manual (2 manuals, 5 languages)
Donkey Husbandry Electronic Manual in 5 languages (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Arabic), 7th Annual International Working Equid Colloquium Community Exchange Project, Royal Holloway, University of London, London, U.K. July 2014.