Sheep Facility

Sheep Facilities

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The Sheep Unit is located on Garrod Road west of Highway 113 on the University of California at Davis Campus. The Sheep Program is committed to the three missions of the University of California: Teaching, Research and Outreach.

The facilities include two large barns, 30 dry lot enclosures and approximately 15 acres of irrigated pasture. 300 head of Suffolk, Rambouillet, Polypay and Crossbreds are maintained.

Three Student Herdsmen live at the facility. Additional Student Herdsmen work at the facility, earning units, salary or as volunteers. Sheep management interns and show team members show and consign sheep to various exhibitions and sales annually. Numerous youth outreach activities are hosted annually. Fifteen classes from three departments on campus utilize the facility each year.

Sheep are utilized extensively for research in discipline areas of: Reproduction, Genetics, Nutrition, Management, and Endocrinology.

Hopland Research and Extension Center

4070 University Road
Hopland, CA 95449

Located in the North Coast mountain range in Mendocino County near Ukiah, the Center supports one of the largest sheep research flocks in the U.S.A. The center consists of 5,358 acres ranging in elevation from 500 - 3000 feet.

Student interns can participate in a variety of sheep and wildlife projects related to nutrition, animal behavior, breeding and management.

Fall and winter quarter internships offer the opportunity to gain hands-on experience assisting in lambing out the center's ewe flock. Spring internships will be involved in weaning lambs and shearing.

Summer internships allow students the first-hand experience of managing the flock during the breeding season, as well as assisting in the laproscopic artificial insemination program. Short-term internships can be arranged during quarter breaks and the summer.

Student interns are provided dormitory space at the center.

Please contact the Animal Science Advising Center (1202 Meyer) for internship information at the Hopland Research and Extension Center.