Position Title
Professor Emeritus
Ed Price came to UC Davis in 1976 after having served as Assistant and Associate Professor of Zoology for 10 years at the State University of New York in Syracuse, NY. He was hired to develop a program of teaching and research in the area of animal behavior for the Department of Animal Science.
Upper Division courses developed and taught at UCD included Principles of Animal Behavior, Domestic Animal Behavior and Domestic Animal Behavior Laboratory. He also taught a graduate level course entitled Behavioral Aspects of Animal Domestication.
His primary research interests were the development of sexual behavior and the maternal behavior of farm animals and the effects of domestication on animal behavior. Refereed journal publications based on original research while at Davis involved cattle (25), sheep (36), goats (15), swine (4), horses (2) and rats (2). He also published 11 book chapters/research reviews and three books.
Ed served as Associate Dean for the College of Agricultural & Environmental Science in 1985-1986 and as Chair of the Animal Science Department from 1993-1998. National offices included Program Chair (1974-76), 1st and 2nd President-Elect (1978-1980) and President (1980-1981) of the Animal Behavior Society (ABS). In 1984 he was voted a Fellow of ABS.
He retired in 2002 and lives in Rocklin, CA with his wife, Mabell. They have two children, Ted and Lauralee.
- B.A., Psychology College of Wooster, Ohio (1960)
- M.S., Zoology Michigan State University (1963)
- Ph.D., Zoology Michigan State University (1967)
Positions Held
- 2002- Professor Emeritus
- 1979-2002 Professor, Department of Animal Science, UC Davis
- 1993-1998 Chair, Department of Animal Science, UC Davis
- 1985-1986 Associate Dean, College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, UC Davis
- 1976-1979 Associate Professor, Department of Animal Science, UC Davis
- 1972-1976 Associate Professor, Zoology, State University of New York, Syracuse
- 1966-1972 Assistant Professor, Zoology, State University of New York, Syracuse
Professional Affiliations
Animal Behavior Society
President/President-Elect (1978-1981)
Fellow (1984- )
Program Chair (1974-1976)
International Society for Applied Ethology (Animal Behavior)
Courses Taught At UC Davis
- Animal Science 104. Principles of Domestic Animal Behavior
- Animal Science 105. Behavioral Adaptations of Domestic Animals
- Animal Science 106. Domestic Animal Behavior Laboratory
- Animal Behavior 220. Behavioral Aspects of Animal Domestication
Area of Expertise: Animal Behavior
Behavior of cattle, sheep and goats
Behavior of wild and domestic rats and mice
Effects of domestication on behavior
Effects of early experience on behavior
Number of Refereed Journal Publications Based on Original Research
Cattle (25)
Sheep (36)
Goats (15)
Pigs (4)
Horses (2)
Rats (23)
Mice (7)
Other Species (3)
Plus 15 Book Chapters/Reviews and 3 Books
Selected Publications
Price, E.O. 2008. Principles and Applications of Domestic Animal Behavior. CABI Publishing, New York. 332 pp.
Price, E.O., J.E. Harris, R.E. Borgwardt, M.L. Sween and J.M. Connor. 2003. Fenceline contact of beef calves with their dams at weaning reduces the negative effects of separation on behavior and growth rate. Journal of Animal Science 81: 116-121.
Price, E.O., T.E. Adams, C.C. Huxsoll and R.E. Borgwardt. 2003. Aggressive behavior is reduced in bulls actively immunized against gonadotropin-releasing hormone. Journal of Animal Science 81: 411-415.
Price, E.O. 2002. Animal Domestication and Behavior. CABI Publishing, New York. 297 pp.
Price, E.O. and G.E. Bradford. 2001. Sheep research offers alternatives to improve production. California Agriculture. 55: 19-22, 24-25.
Price, E.O. 1999. Behavioral development in animals undergoing domestication. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 65:245-271.
Price, E.O. 1998. Behavioral genetics and the process of animal domestication. In: Grandin, T. (Editor). Genetics and the Behavior of Animals. Academic Press, New York. Pp. 31-65.
Price, E.O. and S.J.R. Wallach. 1991. Development of sexual and aggressive behaviors in Hereford bulls. Journal of Animal Science 69: 1019-1027.
Price, E.O. and S.J.R. Wallach. 1990. Physical isolation of hand-reared Hereford bulls increases their aggressiveness toward humans. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 27: 263-267.
Price, E.O. (Editor). 1987. Farm Animal Behavior. Veterinary Clinics of North America. Food Animal Practice (3)2: 217-481.